Geneviève Caron
My mission
Contribute to a better world by guiding people, especially young adults, in their overall development so that they can live their epic to the fullest and create legacies that will positively impact our society.
My vision
A community of epic individuals around the world bringing about change, little by little, and making a difference.
My philosophy
Every human being is unique, important, and called to actively participate in the creation of their legacy, and it all beings from within.
One must discover their essence (who am I?) in order to build their presence (how to do it?), to then exercise their influence (for what purpose?), ultimately gaining confidence, consistency, and character.
My journey
I come from a high-level sports background. I played soccer for many years (Jeux du Québec, AAA, Équipe du Québec, CNHP, Semi-Pro, NCAA...), as well as other sports. I am a performer at heart, always ready to take on new challenges.
During my athletic career, which unfortunately ended prematurely due to several concussions, I experienced ups and downs. I often felt like I had to figure things out on my own, while also juggling school, social activities, relationships, work and more. It was tough and demanding. At times, I wished I had someone to share all this with, freely and without fear of judgment, to help me gain perspective and expand my perception of things, as well as my perception of myself.
That's exactly why, after many years in the business world as an entrepreneur and manager, I decided to take the leap and follow my heart. That's how I started my coaching training and then launched my own business. I am now accredited by the International Coaching Federation as an ACC coach.
Every day is a new opportunity to support athletes, entrepreneurs, students, artists and others in discovering themselves to better position themselves and move towards achieving their greatest goals. It's the most beautiful gift in the world.

My values
Authenticity: Learning to be oneself, knowing oneself, accepting oneself, embracing oneself and showing up without a veil.
Faith: Trusting, maintaining hope, and being a beacon of kindness, joy, and love for others. Trying to love others as God loves me and following His teachings.
Growth: Discovering, questioning, exploring, expanding, challenging, strengthening and integrating our vast and rich potential.
Courage: Daring to do what is right instead of what is easy, acting with integrity, and encouraging others to do the same.
My services
Individual coaching
Group coaching
Team coaching
Personal development workshops
epic conferences
epic retreats

I am also member from the board of directors of the Transformation Center in Alabama with whom I give online workshops on several topics related to personal development.
I worked with the Rouge et Or, the Chaudière-Ouest Soccer Association, several local and international companies, and of course many individuals.
In my free time I like to be active, play outside, do all kinds of activities, read, cook, volunteer, cottage with family and friends, start new projects, and so on.

"Pursue what is meaningful, not what is expedient."
Jordan B. Peterson
If you have any questions or would like to know more, feel free to contact me! I'd be delighted to chat with you!