Geneviève Caron, ACC Coach
You've come to the right place if you're looking to...
Discover who are you at a deeper level
Embrace your decision-making power and action
Exercise the influence that only you can have
Gain confidence, consistency, and character
Reach your full potential
Overcome a new challenge
Be at peace with yourself
Clarify your goals and priorities
Make a difference
As a certified coach, I accompany you on your personal journey and support you in the pursuit of your dreams so that you may build your unique legacy.

"Being authentic requires letting go of the notion of what you should be to make room for who you are."
What is coaching?
An individual coaching service consists of a partnership between you and me (the coach). Coaching allows you to gain an objective perspective on your beliefs, habits, behaviours, irritants, or obstacles, and then make decisions to create the future you want. In other words, having a coach is like having a thinking partner, someone whose sole purpose is to accompany you for your good, your development, and the achievement of your goals and full potential.

My approach
This approach takes us inward to establish our foundations in such a way that our actions and decisions are aligned with our true colors. Thus, we become the masterpiece that we were always created to be.
The essential oil diffuser
Initially, when using a diffuser, the essence disperses into the surrounding environment, and the aromas permeate the air, creating a tangible presence in the room. As it continues to disperse, it begins to influence its surroundings.

Discover your

Build your


In the same way, each one of us has a unique essence - an intrinsic core that sets us apart. This distinct essence encapsulates our innate potential. It shapes our presence, an intangible light that accompanies us wherever we go, radiating from within. This presence diffuses into our environment, possessing the remarkable ability to inspire and influence.
By cultivating self-awareness, a profound realization occurs: we have the power to consciously choose the nature of our presence and the impact we wish to have on the world. Engaging in this transformative journey allows us to nurture our confidence and the integrity of our character.
And thus, we learn to live from our epic, and little by little, we write the epic of our lives, the story that will continue to exist long after we have departed.
If you have any questions or would like to know more, feel free to contact me! I'd be delighted to chat with you!

"Don't go outside; get back to yourself, in the inner man lies the Truth."
Saint Augustine